Monday 27 October 2014

@YouTube adverts annoy me!

I cannot stand adverts that stop me from watching my YouTube videos.

I do not log on to YouTube to watch minutes worth of adverts, and to make it worse there is an increasing amount of adverts that do not give me the skip option. What is that about?

Now lets get real, I love Zoella BUT her adverts on YouTube annoy me sooooo much I want to slap myself! "Hi it's Zoella..." "Hi guys I'm going to hide behind my pillow..." Honestly, right now I could care less.

I'm tryna catch up on my Timothy Delaghetto vlogs coz I've been busy and every single video I click on I hear "For a new feeling of cleanliness Gerberit Aqua clean. WC that cleans you with water..."... WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?!?

Is it me or when your waiting impatiently that these stupid adverts are the longest thing ever in life right now. The mute button is gradually becoming my new best friend because I just cant deal. It's the only thing YouTube seems to be doing right, right now!

Now I love music, and for some strange reason I stayed up til 3 listening to old skool r&b, garage, a little bit of Oasis, some Daniel Bedingfield, So Solid Crew, Aaliyah, basically all the music I grew up listening to and my hard work and dedication was persistently interrupted by "For a new feeling of cleanliness..."

Honestly YouTube needs to consult the companies they give permission to, because for me it is soo useless. I don't care about 'Fanta Zombie' or the new movie 'Horns'. How many stinking times am I going to re-watch these adverts over and over and over again!

How many of you enjoy making playlists on YouTube and enjoy playing it out loud? Well before YouTube was ambushed by REPEATED adverts I used to love doing that. Now I don't even bother!

How many of you does this happen to? Honestly comment below and let me know;

You are enjoying your playlists, choon after choon is playing and then the next thing you here is "Hi It's Zoella...". Now for a second I had to stop and think whether that was a song, because if it was I knew that wouldn't be in my playlist, until you check and realise it's an irrelevant advert to your life right now as YOUR TRYING TO LISTEN TO YOUR MUSIC!

If I had a pound, not a penny but a POUND every time I was/am forced to watch one of these stupid adverts I would be so rich right now. Actually I would pay YouTube to stop with these adverts when I'm tryna have some ME TIME!
(Check it out, it's funny, it's MADEA)

If your reading this YouTube you need to fix up! It's not cute anymore! I'm slowly beginning to hate you....

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