Sunday 19 October 2014

Don't You Just Want To Live The Rich Life

Honestly this is what I think about all the time. Forget studying for my degree or thinking about what's for dinner, all I think about is living the rich life!

Sometimes I think that I must be the only one in the world who sits on their bed, daydreaming about what their life would be like if they were rich for hours.

This might sound crazy but I have many versions of ways that I can become rich that would lead me to be famous.

1. I think that I am going to marry a celebrity *cough cough* Trey Songz *cough cough* and that were gonna fall in love, the celebrity world will notice me, love me and BAM I'll be rich AND famous! (A double whammy) Clearly this is just absurd and I'm most definitely sure this will never ever happen, but hey a girl can dream.

2. Magically I believe I'm going to live in LA and own a cafe on one side of the high-street, and have a restaurant directly opposite called 'Ambers' (vain much is what you’re thinking but I don't care duh) which will be extremely successful! Have wonderful staff, regular customers and be bringing in the moneeey *ka-ching*. Then miraculously I will start catering events for MTV or BET getting my public debut on, mingling with celebs etc. THEN after MTV or BET sings my praises Trey Songz walks into my cafe and our relationship blooms from there if you get what I mean ;p

(Bearing in mind that I have no I dead of how I'm going to get to LA or have the money to set up my businesses but you know.... #Dreamer #FantasyLife

3. Now with this dream there is absolutely no way in hell this could happen unless I switched souls and bodies with a talented person. This is where I believe once again I will be living in America, but this time I have Beyonce's voice which means Beyonce will not exist in this world in order for me to become the next big thing in music. So I will have Beyonce's voice, her body and be on the prowl to being discovered. Long story short I am discovered! I am loved by all, hated by many and will be stinking rich; buying shares, developing my business ideas, performing on stage, selling music, shopping, basically looking fly all the time doing what I want how I want.

So there is just a brief list of the crazy things I dream about during my lectures..... but trust me there are sooo many more.

Even though all of my dreams lead me to be rich and famous, the question is if I was rich would I necessarily be famous? I think the realistic answer would probably be no but there is always that common link between being rich AND famous, why is that? It then leads me to question whether I would also need intelligence to become famous?

Does Rich + Intelligence = Fame? 

Well dreamer Amber thinks no because I would just buy the things/people I would need to help me stay rich and help me to become famous, where as realistic Amber thinks both yes and no because if I were rich I would most likely want to stay rich without people trying to con me out of my money, but then again it could all come down to luck if I were to end up famous.

What do my dreamers think?

Does this make any sense to you? Do my dreamers think I'm crazy? If so this is just the beginning :D


1 comment:

  1. Hey Dreamers :D

    Leave a comment below and tell me what you think.

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