Wednesday 29 October 2014

Am I starting University Over Again?

So I have 5 Assessments to prepare for....

3 due in before Christmas and 2 after Christmas :(

Right now I honestly feel lost. I've had six months off and coming back to write these essays makes me feel like I'm just coming from my A Levels into Uni.

I just don't know where to start, and I have even less motivation than I did when I started the degree. I think the pressure of needing to get REALLY good grades for my second year is mentally shutting me down.

I feel like I'm in this constant cycle of doing nothing. Like world issues don't interest me, conversations with people don't interest with me, literally nothing interests me nowadays. I just want to hang out and have fun with endless money, with no responsibilities.

Although I do feel like everyone around me is doing much better than me. Like my bestie is getting all these great opportunities, and I just feel like crap. I can't lie I'm seriously jealous of her motivation and determination to achieve the best out of her time at Uni, but jheeeze I just feel like I'm useless.

As for this work I'm about to start, Lord please help me. Someone help me.....

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