Wednesday 5 November 2014

One day I will slap this girl and feel NO type of way

So let me give you a little history lesson... 
From 2013 til present,

I be chilling in my lectures and all I can hear is "YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP".

For a second I honestly had to check my phone to see if my music was still playing but no, it's the worlds most loud mouthed girl chatting away to her and her 'followers'.

Every single lecture we have they just talk and talk and talk and talk and talk, I honestly don't know what else they have left to talk about because everytime I see them they are talking!

Don't you ever get tired of talking? 

To add to this constant pain both of my lecturers just let it happen -_- They actually watch them talk,  then talk over them and continue what they have to say.... It feels like some mean girls ish and I can't deal. 

Like I honestly sit there thinking to myself, weren't all four of you taught in primary school to not speak when the teacher is talking. I know that makes me sound like a goody two shoes but C'MON thats just plain rude, have some manners. 

At this moment in time I don't care about your dog, or your kid, or that you went through a rough patch with your man, or where your mum works, or your job, or where your going on holiday, or about how far away you parked your car, or when your going to bleach your hair. 

As of right now I don't even care for your lives 

But your all probably wondering why I want to slap up this girl. Well this girl thinks shes it, she thinks because she was a teen mum, and has a child she knows everything, like shes the oracle of life or something. 

I have been listening to this girl go on and on and on for a year and, it's just built up unnecessary stress in my life.

So on this beautiful day, we were talking about our placements and whaddya know, were at the same organisation but working in different departments. My placement is the organisation as hers but mine has a different name and it has the word 'Project' in it. Please people remember the keyword; 'Project'. 

So in a line, one by one we were sharing which organisation we were working for and this is how it all went down:

Me: "I'm with .... Project
The Lecturer:  "oh ok Amber you and this girl are at similar places, thats useful"

Next thing I hear is

The girl: "NO HERS IS A PROJECT". 
The Lecturer:"Ok but its the same thing"
The Lecturer: "Ok moving on"
My face: 

I don't know if you guys have the same feelings but it was definitely one of those, 'You had to be there moments'. I was in shock, I just stared at her, like you know when your so in shock you just don't know what to say. It was just so catty and childish like she was trying to undermine my placement which is the SAME AS HERS!!!

After the whole thing this girl decided she wanted to strike again. We were basically being told they are changing our degree's name, and for it to be changed for our year we all needed to sign it. If one of us doesnt sign to have the name of the course changed, then the name will be remain how it is. 

So at first I was all for it and then all I hear is "I  DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS WE ARE CHANGING THIS NAME BLAH BLAH BLAH". I was honestly just sitting there thinking who does this heffa think she is. 

I just wanted to slap her so hard to the point where my hand gets a tingling sensation from the force put into her face. 

But it's one of those times where I have to wait for the perfect moment to shame her, because if I went all types of crazy on her it would look like I'm the bully and she's the victim and she ain't gon play that role. So I be waiting!

Plus my lecturers already think I've got attitude and she's their favourite, so all in good time.

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