Monday 3 November 2014

How To Get My Curvacious Heatless Curls

This is the first time I have ever worn my hair with curls EVER, and I have to say I am very much impressed with myself for actually being able to do this, and make it look guurrd!

So if you've read my previous blogs I've probably mentioned my hair needs a perm somewhere, and it still does, so I think this is the perfect hairstyle for when your hair is thick. 

So in order to get this fab hairstyle I used NO HEAT, NO CURLERS, NO NOTHING, well except bobby pins but that's it!!

I sectioned my hair into 5 parts and on each part of my hair I smothered it in coconut hair milk until it was extremely moist and TIGHTLY rolled the end of my hair around my fingers and then into my head and pinned it down with bobby pins.

Tip: I used coconut hair milk because this is my regular daily moisturiser and it isn't heavy or sticky on my hair. You can substitute this for you daily hair lotion/oil.

I repeated that step for the rest of my hair and then tied it down with a headscarf to keep it neat and intact and then I fell asleep for about 2-3 hours.

Tip: The reason as to why I smothered my hair in coconut hair milk is because the headscarf is going to suck up all the moisture in my hair. So when I take off my headscarf my hair is going to be perfectly hydrated and look as natural as possible.

So an hour before I was suppose to start getting ready to go out I apprehensively took out a section of my hair to see if I was going to like the outcome. When I unpinned my hair it was seriously curly, like if you pulled my hair all the way down and let go it would spring back up and reform the curl. I wasn't too sure if I was going to like this look, but I had no choice but to continue, so I bobby pinned it back up and tied my hair down.

The time had come to do my hair and when I took out all the pins, and brushed my hair through with my fingers I looked like a crazy woman, so I used my wide tooth comb to gently comb through my hair so the curls weren't lost and this was the outcome.

To complete my look I took a small section from each side of my head and bobby pinned it down to the middle section of the back of my head and arranged the curls until I liked it.

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