Tuesday 18 November 2014

Bruh, why are you so needy?

There are 2 people in my life who need to just make an exit.
Ones a guy, ones a girl and they are both just love to harass my life.

The Guy

This dude thinks he's my boyfriend. Seriously were just friends and he gets all protective, and insecure if I'm hanging out with my other friends which are also guys! I have 5 male friends including him, they don't all know each other, but THIS guy thinks that if I'm spending time with them were doing things couples would do.

It's like playing 21 questions, but it's one sided because I feel like I'm under attack. What you doing? I bet your doing things.. He tries to turn these questions and stupid remarks into jokes, using emojis and I'm just like woah, hold on;

1) Were not going out, therefore you don't need to be questioning my life
2) Why you trying to make me sound like some sort of hussie?
3) Why does it matter to you if I have male friends or not, even if we were in a relationship I'm still going to be hanging out with these people
3) Just stop talking to me

But the thing that gets me with him is, he knows I'm mad and then the next day he'll message me and be like Morning :) ..
Don't Message Me Like Were Cool and I've Forgotten Your Crayness

He has some serious insecurity issues and I swear to God I'm on the verge of just cutting him off, like just leave me alone, I'M STUDYING FOR MY DEGREE I DON'T NEED THIS ISSH.

The Girl 

Now this girl is just plain rude and clingy. She's one of those people you just regret being nice too and makes you wish never even had a conversation, EVER.

She will you text asking questions for help and stuff but not turn up for lectures. Like this girl doesn't be even bother to get up in the morning to attend lectures, but has the cheek to text me and be like "Can you help me", " Can you send me your work/notes".

What makes you think I should help you, it's your education your studying for not mine. Girl please, ninja pleaseeeee. 

To make it worse though I'm not even lying, she will text you, you will text her back and she has the nerve, the AUDACITY to not reply. Never does this girl reply with a thanks, thank you, ok, fullstop, nothing just plain ol' nothing.

Clearly she thinks I'm her lap dog or some form of a slave to her, so in order to correct her thinking I no longer reply to her texts. This girl has the cheek to come in the next day and be like "So I sent you a text and you didn't reply"...

Oh what so because I didn't reply it's an issue? Listen here tweedle dumb:

Girl Bye

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